Comment from Mike Pearson

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Bernd's thoughts make a lot of sense to me. It's certainly vital that we sort out IPR issues at a very early stage. It's also true that there would be some conflict of interest for me (and I'm sure others too) between the goals of producing content for my 'day job' projects (see and any successful Euromath proposal.

I've been in this situation before with the European project that supported - and discovered that motivating colleagues to contribute content is not easy. There is definitely a need to find and exploit other incentives.

So I would very much welcome a movement towards a goal of integrating what has already been achieved in online mathematics education, which directly involves practitioners at a very early stage, which builds on some simple to use and already accepted web technologies and furthers the careers of those involved.

I'd like to add to Bernd's ideas one which may be more suitable for primary and secondary school educators - encouraging the use of weblogs and RSS for learning object discovery, sharing and further ellaboration (plus some shameless self promotion).