Section 8 - South Stoa - Anytos (PJS)

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Section 8 - South Stoa - Anytos

[South Stoa]
South Stoa is a room. "You are now entering the South Stoa and enjoy the long walk down the corridor edged with beautiful columns."
South Stoa is south of marketplace.

Anytos is a man.

After talking to Anytos, run a conversation from anytos_begin.

[Dialogue "Anytos"]
Instead of giving text for anytos_begin:
	say "'Hello Anytos! I heard, that you were present at the trial of Socrates.'"
Instead of finding responses to anytos_begin:
	link to anytos_accusation;
[	link to anytos_nothing;]
	forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to anytos_accusation:
	say "'I come from Crete - even there the name of Socrates is well-known as the name of a wise man, so I wonder why he was accused - I learned that you were one of the main accuser. Please tell me, why you did so, I am very eager to learn the truth of Socrates and his trial, so that I will be in the position to pass it on to whereever I go!'";
Instead of giving text for anytos_accusation:
	say "

Anytos looks at you from your head on to your toe. He looks a bit self-satisfied, but also flattered by the concern you show in his position: 

	'Well, Socrates used to mock other people and caused some bafflement and confusion like a crampfish; as for instance he did so in Menons house some time ago. You seem to be really interested in what was going on, so if you want I can tell you a typical story:"; 
	wait for any key;
	clear the screen;
	say "
	We were discussing whether virtue is teachable or not, and to whom one should go to learn a special technique. So if you would like to become a doctor you would go to a doctor and so on. Eventually we came to the question who would be able to make a person better and wiser. After a little while we came to the subject of the sophists, the people who are - this is my oppinion - known to be the corruption and the misfortune for the ones becoming friendly with them. And Socrates seemed to be surprised and tried to convince me, that one of them would be a better teacher for any son of Athens as any good and righteous Athenan citizien, as is my personal point of view.";  
	wait for any key;
	clear the screen;
	say "	
	Then he came with examples: neither Themistocles, the politician, nor Pericles, whom he called an admirable wise man, nor Lysimachos, nor Thucydides were able to pass on their knowledge and virtue to their sons, though of course they had the best teachers for all the other techniques you can learn from professional authorities like - let's say -  horseriding. Just imagine the impudence of this saying, that all these people failed in the education and upbringing of their own children! I was very angry with Socrates that day and warned him not to continue with the defaming of Athenean citiziens. But he kept on to adulterate and spoil the young people, since he himself is one of these sophists. Of course he wanted to find excuses for their activities!'";
[	link to anytos_nothing;]
[	deactivate anytos_accusation;]
	activate critobulos_anytos;
	say "

'If it is true that Socrates defamed other people, I understand your aggravation, though I am really surprised and can hardly believe this. But still, I want to say thank you for your time you spent in telling me this story! I wish you a good day, Anytos.'";
	say "

You are speechless upon the anger this man seems to feel against Socrates. He after a while get's bored by your silence and turns away, still in rage and talking to the men in his company.

After this encounter you decide to get some fresh air and return to the marketplace...";
now player is in marketplace;
clear the screen;
say "[bold type] suddenly something is happening![roman type]";
	wait for any key;
	say "

Just as the merchant who led you to Athens begins to open up a new stall at the marketplace in order to vend his chickens...

...a cage somehow opens and a few of the merchants chicken quickly run away. He runs after them, shouting and waving. You might feel obliged to help him.";
	now chickens are in marketplace;
	now merchant is in marketplace;
	remove anytos from play.