Section 2 - Temple in Crete (PJS)

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Section 2 - Temple in Crete

Crete is a region. Temple and Ship to Athens are in Crete.
Temple is a room. Description of temple is "You are in a beautiful pictured room in the center of the temple.

In front of the altar you can see a huge statue of Artemis, the goddess you dedicated your life to.

You are busy decorating the shrine of Artemis with wild flowers in preparation for the evening ceremony." 

Artemis, pictures, altar, shrine are scenery in the temple.

Understand "statue" as Artemis. Understand "picture" as pictures.

The description of Artemis is "Ah, Artemis! The godess of forests and hills. Her statue is breathtaking. It shows her on the hunt for some game with the most elegant weapon of all: bow and arrow. The fresh twigs of cypress are causing a scent you always liked."

The description of pictures is "The pictures on the wall show different events of Artemis. Hunting game, tickling her twin brother Apollo, shouting at her father Zeus. You notice the crescent moon above her head on most of the pictures and make a memo to yourself to ask the High Priestess about it."

The description of altar is "A big table made of marble. White and devine in its appearance. Here is where the offering usually takes place. You wonder how it can be kept so clean with all the blood involved in a reasonable sacrifice. But then again the surface is very smooth..."

The description of shrine is "Uh! Well, you never liked it and you still don't like it. It's small and old-fashioned. And on top of that just made of wood - cypress of course. You should really start to convince the others to get rid of it."

The description of flowers is "XXXX".

At 9:04 AM[=Nach 5 Aktionen]: say "Suddenly the High Priestess enters the room.";
	wait for any key;
	say "

She always appreciated your work, now she is the only one who is on your side, since she receives visions herself and knows about the jealousy of human heart and it's consequences. She is worried and has an assignement for you:

'My dear Atalanta, you know that I am very concerned for your well being. I am afraid, something horrible might happen to you, since the others are not going to be pacified in this question, though I myself feel very clearly the truth of your saying. This is why I was asking the Oracle and it told me, you should go to Athens to meet Socrates, the wise man I told you about, and learn from him as much as you can. He will give you good advice on this matter, and since he is not involved, his suggestions are very likely to be accepted by the other priestesses of this temple.

But the oracle also told me that he is in danger too and you should leave right away, so take the very first ship tomorrow morning. I wish you a good journey, you will pass Delos on your way to Athens, please drop in at the temple of Apollo to give an oblation to Artemis brother, to pay him respect.'";
run a conversation from game_accept.

[Dialogue "Beginning"]
Instead of giving text for game_accept:
	say "Will you..."
Instead of finding responses to game_accept:
	link to game_yes;
	link to game_no;
	forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to game_yes:
	say "...follow the advice and leave the temple and seek the help of Socrates, or...";
Instead of giving text for game_yes:
	say "

Knowing that the controversy about the oblation can not be solved under the current circumstances, you follow the priestess advice and rush from this temple towards the island's port where you take the first opportunity to board a ship to Athens...";
	pause the game;
	now player is in ship to athens.

Instead of giving link to game_no:
	say "...will you rather stay and keep on insisting that these sacrifices have to stop...";
Instead of giving text for game_no:
	clear the screen;
	say "

Unfortunately this was the wrong answer. Suddenly you hear angry voices in a riot, the other priestesses have decided...";
	wait for any key;
	say "

...[bold type]that you are supposed to be the next sacrifice![roman type]";
	wait for any key;
	say "

They furiously enter the room with mad eyes and sharp voices. You are so terrified, that your heart decides to stand still.

Poor little Atalanta! That was it.";
	wait for any key;
	end the game in death.