Section 10 - Critobulos (PJS)

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Section 10  - Critobulos

Critobulos is a man. The description of Critobulos is "Critos older son Critobolus is as tall as his father and looks like the younger version of Crito. His hair is black, of course, but he has the same noble appearance as his father, though he is still very youthfull."

After talking to Critobulos, run a conversation from critobulos_begin.

[Dialogue "Critobulos"]
Instead of giving text for critobulos_begin:
	say "'Hello! Is there anything you want to ask me?'"
Instead of finding responses to critobulos_begin:
	link to critobulos_accusation;
	link to critobulos_anytos;
	forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to critobulos_accusation:
	say "'Please tell me everything you know about the trial, what is true of the accusation of Anytos? I just met him, he still is full of anger towards Socrates, so wonder, what he could have done so bad to enrage people like that!'";
Instead of giving text for critobulos_accusation:
	say "'Yes, it was Anytos, he was one of the main accusers, together with Lycan and Meletos, who in fact filed the lawsuit; so you met Anytos already, he and his clicque are prowling around in the Stoa ....'";

Instead of giving link to critobulos_anytos:
	say "'Give me advice, is it true what Anytos told me about Socrates, that he was defaming Athenian citiziens and corrupting young people ? He refered to an incident at Menons house, where he denigrated even Pericles and other honorable citiziens! I can hardly believe all this, since in Crete we used to hear very different things about this old man, who is supposed to be the wisest man of Athens!'"; 
Instead of giving text for critobulos_anytos: 
	say "'Of course it wasn't like Anytos told you. He has a small mind and he - if you ask me - is rather jealous, since Socrates has an excellent reputation and if you seek advice in questions of virtue, you could not find a better man than him! It ist incredible, what happened in this trial, and we - that means, his friends and deciples, are quite in despair! So, Anytos told you, Socrates would defame other people and spoil the youth of Athens. That's ridiculous, really! No other man than Socrates is as honest, candid and cordial than him. If you are a good and righteous person, noone would pay you more respect than he would. But of course, he seems to look right into your mind and heart, and if you are not as fair-minded and straight forwardly as he is, if you try to pump yourself like a full up like a wineskin, or are saying things, which you have no idea about whatsoever they really might be - than he used to ask you questions. But not to blame you, that was not his concern, not really. 

Maybe sometimes it looked like that, but as a matter of fact, the people blamed themsselves because of ther imprudence. Socrates just could not bear the thoughtlessness of some peoples comments. The truth is, that Lysimache, Melesias, Nikias and Laches were rather worried about the education of their sons. I once listend to a conversation between these men, which were regretting the lack of education, they experienced themselves in their own youth through their own fathers, who had all fullfilled heroic or administrative deeds in war or for the polis. Though upright men, they neglected their childrens education. Now they wanted to give their sons better advice in giving example: if they want to become famous they should learn to fence in full armour. Their sons promised to obey their fathers advice. And they - as good fathers, concerned for their sons - were thinking about other important techniques or sciences, which would be wise to give opportunity to adopt. 

After a while Laches suggested to contact Socrates in this matter, since he would be able to help to find out, if there are besides martial arts other techniques in other kinds of art or science which would be of any good for their sons. So you see, Atalanta, that it is simply not true, that Socrates defamed other people, since he never said anything without explicitely being asked. If you want to hear truth, than he is the best person to ask - though he will not really give you an explicit answer, he shows you the path of truth!'

Since I am going to visit Socrates, do you want to accompany me?

My dear Critobulos, thank you so much for spending your time! I am ever so gratefull and relieved to hear this from you. Artemis shall bless you and your familiy!";
	Now player is in prison.