Section 6 - Athens (PJS)

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Section 6 - Athens

Agora is a region.
South Stoa, Law court, Marketplace, Prison, Cell of Socrates, stall_inside are in the Agora.

Fountain House, Mint, Bouleuterion, Strategeion, Tholos are backdrop in the agora.

[Descriptions of scenery and backdrops in the agora]
Description of Fountain house is "You just entered the place where hardworking women normally get some fresh water for their homes. So you probably found the perfect spot to hear some news and gossip. Right at the moment two women are leaving the fountain house carrying heavy jars filled with fresh cold water, while others are grouped around the huge water tank, having a little chat."

Description of Mint is "Coins, coins and again coins. It seems you found access to the Athenian coinage. Take care that none of this money accidentally slips into your pocket!"

Description of Tholos is "That's not the right time to do sightseeing in the Tholos. Maybe it would be more polite if you entered after the Prytaneis finished their meal."

Description of Bouleuterion is "You already heard about the council of 500, the so called Boule. But somehow you always imagined it totally different. As you take a look around the room it seems to you more like a little theatre, with empty benches arranged in a semicircle around a small area for the chairman."

Description of Strategeion is "That's really not the appropriate place for a civilian! Just entering the headquarter of the most important generals of Athens without an appointment? No way!"

Section 6a - Athens east

help, Yes, No, Callicles1, yes1, no1 are chat nodes.


[Marketplace is a room.]
The dealer is a person in the marketplace.
The market stand is a thing in the marketplace.
market stand is fixed in place.

Description of Marketplace is "The Athenian market, filled with plenty of stalls, loaded with apples, grapes, melons, figs and other kinds of fruit - spread before your eyes. The odour of ripe fruit fills your nostrils and makes you wish to purchase a slice of a beautifully coloured water melon. Other stalls contain pottery, or meat, or fish. A sad looking cow with tender eyes waits to be purchased by a butcher. 

You can see a lot of people standing around, chatting and arguing. They all look rather sophisticated." 

[In the near distance you can see a Papyrus dealer’s market stand.]

Description of the market stand is
"As you approach the market stand. You can see various types of papyrus.
You can see the dealer standing behind a desk. He is a short man with beady little eyes. Humming a tune he thoughtfully eyes his products.
He turns and looks at you with a strange grimace."

Description of the dealer is
"You can see the dealer standing behind a desk. He is a short man with beady little eyes. Humming a tune he thoughtfully eyes his products.
As you approach him he turns to you and looks at you with a strange grimace."

After talking to the dealer: say "Hello!"; run a conversation from help. 

Instead of giving text for help: say "Can I help you?" Instead of finding responses to help: link to yes; link to no; forbid exiting on zero. 

Instead of giving link to yes: say "'Yes'"; Instead of giving text for yes: say "You don’t seem to be from around here.
I clearly recognize your Cretan accent.
As a matter of fact I’m from Iraklio and I’m here for 15 years now. I truly miss my Island.
When I was young I left my home and came here to study philosophy.
My parents were poor, we only had two slaves. Therefore I decided to leave Crete an come here and learn from the great Callicles in Athens."; run a conversation from Callicles1.

Instead of giving link to no: say "'No'"; Instead of giving text for no: say "The dealer turns away from you and looks towards the sky, he grunts and starts writing on a piece of Papyrus."

Instead of giving text for Callicles1: say "Have you ever heard of the famous Sophist Callicles?" Instead of finding responses to Callicles1: link to yes1; link to no1; forbid exiting on zero. 

Instead of giving link to yes1: say "'Yes'"; Instead of giving text for yes1: say "He made me see that philosophy alone can not make you live a satisfying life.
So I decided to go to the army and see the world, and experience an exciting life and see other cultures.
When  I quit the army, I started this business with papyrus. 
By the way, I heard, they’re executing Socrates tomorrow."

Instead of giving link to no1: say "'No'"; Instead of giving text for no1: say "He made me see that philosophy alone can not make you live a satisfying life.
So I decided to join the army to see the world, experience an exciting life and see other cultures.
When I quit my service, I started this business with papyrus, which I buy in Egypt. Many of the Sophist in Athens come to buy their Papyrus from me.
By the way, I heard, they’re executing Socrates tomorrow. They will know more about it in the law court. This is the building southwest from here."

After asking dealer about "Socrates": say "It’s a shame that they’ll kill him. But actually I must say, I never really liked his way of thinking about life, and his questioning of everything. His way of discourse is deconstruction and destructive. It makes you confused and disoriented. I don’t think its an appropriate method to teach our children.
With his questioning of values and gods he is a troublemaker and disturbance of our peace in the polis. As I heard the execution will take place tomorow morning."

After asking dealer about "execution": say "As far as I heard it is supposed to take place tomorow morning. He is sentenced to drinking the cup of hemlock. Many of his friends tried to convince him to flee, but he just wouldn't listen to him."

After asking dealer about "prison": say "I heard they keep Socrates there. I also heard about some of his students visiting him in there. So I think it should be possible to get in there. You’ll probably only have to bribe the guards."

After asking dealer about "guards": say "They are corrupt. For just a little amount of money they will let you pass the gates."