Benutzer:H.A.L./Inform Code-Beispiele

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Version vom 19. Dezember 2008, 17:44 Uhr von H.A.L. (Diskussion | Beiträge) (erste Beispiele eingestellt)
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zu technischen Aspekten

verschließbare Türen

"The everlasting quest for paradise, aka Lockable Doors Demo" by H-A-L

The maximum score is 350.

Section 1 - The gate

The Afterlife is a room. The Gate of Heaven is a locked door. It is west from the afterlife and east from the Paradise.

The gold key is in the afterlife. The gold key unlocks the gate.

The description of the afterlife is "You are in the Afterlife, longing for paradise."
The description of the paradise is "You reached Paradise! Hooray!"
The description of the gate is "It stands between you and Paradise. If you only could unlock it!"
The description of the key is "It emits a magical glimmer."

The plaque is a thing in the afterlife. "The author of this afterlife has left his last message to the players on a plaque." The description is "Welcome to the everlasting quest for paradise, aka a demo on how to write lockable doors for my colleagues. Includes an option to win the game."

Section 2 - Nectar

The cup of nectar is an edible thing in the Paradise. The description is "The cup is  made of shining gold and richly decorated with ornaments depicting a bird, a long stick, a king and a man with a beret and bushy sideburns. It contains a lactic liquid emitting a treacly scent." 

Instead of smelling the nectar:
	say "Its aura bewitches your senses while at the same time clearing your mind."
Instead of tasting the nectar:
	say "its taste is a strange mix of purification and sweetness. (Wait, is it just me or does that sound like peppermint with honey?)"

Carry out eating the nectar:
	say "Consumption of the divine delicacy ascends your mind to higher planes of understanding.";
	award 351 points;
	end the game in victory.
Understand "drink [something]" as eating.

Section 3 - Testing

test gate with "open gate / unlock gate / key / w / open gate / w / lock gate with gold key / close gate / lock gate with gold key / unlock gate with gold key"

test nectar with "examine nectar / take it / smell it / taste it / drink it"

test me with "test gate / test nectar"

zu technischen + inhaltlichen Aspekten

Musikalische Erziehung. Entscheidungen, Auswirkungen, musikalische Abläufe.

"It's a man's life at the Cardiff Rooms, Libya" by "H.A.L."

A cd is a kind of thing. A cd has some text called title. The title is usually "Oe3 top 20". The printed name of a cd is usually "cd called [title]".

The cohen is a cd. The title is "Leonard Cohen - Greatest hits". 
The description is "As the booklet says: 'The cover of Greatest Hits was taken in a mirror of a hotel room in Milan - I rarely ever look this good, or bad, depending on your politics.'"

The march is a cd. The title is "John Philip Sousa - Liberty Bell March". The description is "The cover image mainly consists of a huge foot."

The player is carrying the march and the cohen.

The gymnasion is a room. The soldier is a man in the gymnasion. The soldier has a number called mood.

Instead of giving something to the soldier:
	say "[The second noun] accepts gladly.";
	now the second noun is carrying the noun;
	increase the mood of the soldier by 1.
Instead of taking something had by the soldier:
	say "The soldier grudgingly returns [the noun] to you.";
	now the player carries the noun;
	decrease the mood of the soldier by 1.
Instead of removing something from the soldier:
	say "[The second noun] reluctantly returns [the noun] to you.";
	now the player carries the noun;
	decrease the mood of the soldier by 1.

Every turn:
	if the soldier has the cohen, decrease the mood of the soldier by 1;
	if the soldier has the march, increase the mood of the soldier by 1;
	if the mood of the soldier is greater than 12, change the mood of the soldier to 12;
	if the mood of the soldier is less than 0, change the mood of the soldier to 0.
when play begins:
	change the mood of the soldier to a random number between 5 and 8;
	change the left hand status line to "[mood of the soldier]";
	the attack occurs in 6 minutes from now;
	say "You are chosen to educate the soldier. Your responsibility is to make the right musical choice."

At the time when the attack occurs:
	say "There! A hostile stranger advances with a loaded raspberry!";
	If the mood of the soldier is less than 4:
		say "The soldier just sits there and doesn't do anything. The enemy beats you to pulp.";
		end the game in death;
	else if the mood of the soldier is less than 8:
		say "The soldier attacks the enemy half-heartedly. They kill each other.";
		end the game saying "You have survived, but your army doesn't look too good.";
		say "The soldier bravely advances the enemy and buries him under a sixteen-ton weight!";
		end the game in victory.
test depression with "i / x cohen / give cohen to soldier / z / z / z / z".
test vigour with "i / x march / give march to soldier / z / z / z / z".
test balance with "i / x cohen / x march / give cohen to soldier / give march to soldier / z / z".
test indetermination with "i / x cohen / give cohen to soldier / take cohen / give cohen to soldier / take cohen from soldier / z"