Virtual Reality, Cyberspace und Cyborgs

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"You can hardly stuff people into machines without starting to wonder about the basic nature of both." (Avery Collingsworth - Psychologist - in "Simulacron-3")

-Die Beziehung von Mensch und Maschine wird hier als eine - im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes - innige beschrieben: der Mensch in der Maschine.
Charlie Chaplin: Modern Times - MEN IN THE MACHINE

"However, during this small adventure, it occurred to me, once again, that I am far more reliant on my connectivity than I realize. Even without being half-machine, like a cyborg, I’m am just as dependent on my power and connection to the digital world. (...) Perhaps it is an oxymoron or a misnomer to claim to be an “organic cyborg,” but even with no inorganic body parts, technology plays such a strong role in my life that I feel less complete, less active, and less engaged, when I am unplugged." (Blog-Entry Unplugged! The Organic Cyborg’s Dilemma Voltext)

Virtual Bodies


Frank Boccia: The Cyborg's Dilemma: Embodiment in Virtual Environments

Trailer zu Der Rasenmähermann

eXistenZ MetaFlesh Game-Pod

Virtual Brains


Ray Kurzweil on The Future of VR

Kip Werking on Transhumanism, Reality and Computersimulations

Trailer zu Total Recall

Virtual No-bodies


Trailer zu The 13th Floor

Virtual Environments

CAVE.jpg CAVE (Computer Anminated Virtual Environment)

Deep Space.jpg Deep Space im Ars Electronica Center