Entwurf Ruth Wagner 1 (PJS): Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Description of Notepad is "Beside some drawings you can find some interesting notes about justice and virtue. Keep it well, you might need it later."
Description of Notepad is "Beside some drawings you can find some interesting notes about justice and virtue. Keep it well, you might need it later."
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Version vom 24. April 2008, 07:54 Uhr


Marketplace is a room. Marketplace is north of Gymnasion.

Description of Marketplace is "What a noisy place. Pigs and chickens are running around and making a real mess. Probably they broke out when the farmer was building up his stall to sell some delicous looking water melons. But now he has now time at all for his business because he is trying to catch his animals. In between the crowd you can see Socrates and Kriton going for a walk. They trying to talk but they seem really enervated by the nois and can't focus on their discussion."

Socrates is a men in marketplace.

Description of Socrates is "You try to understand what he is talking to Kriton to enlarge your philosophical wisdom. But unfortunately it is much to noisy in the marketplace to understand a single word." Kriton is a man in marketplace.

Description of Kriton is "As you take a closer look at his face you can see that he really seems worried. Maybe he's knowing a unpleasant truth about Socrates' futur."

The farmer is a person in marketplace.

Description of farmer is "He seems really busy."

The pigs are a thing in marketplace.

Description of pigs is "They are running circles in the marketplace."

The chickens are a thing in marketplace. The water melons are fixed in place.

Description of chickens is "They cackle and are picking for some grains."

The water melons are a thing in marketplace. The water melons are fixed in place.

After taking the pigs: say "Well done, but what your are going to with them? Going for a walk?" The stall is a supporter in marketplace.

Description of stall is "It is a huge stall. Some water melons are nicely arranged. On the right side of the stall there is some empty space."

After putting pigs on stall: award 5 points; say "This was hard work, but it was worth every penny. The farmer is really glad that you managed to bring the pigs back. As a thank you he puts a nice sum of money on the stall for you."

Money is a thing on the stall.

After taking the money: say "This was worth it. Not only that you gained some money but it's also much more quiet in the marketplace so that you can listen now to every word from Socrates and Kriton."

Instead of taking the water melons: say "I beg your pardon, nothing is for free on this market." Test me with "take pigs/put pigs on table/take money/take water melons".


Gymnasion is a room.

Gymnasion is south of Marketplace. "As you enter the gymnasion a bunch of young men seem to run directly in your direction. They make a gesture that you should join them doing sports, but you are not really fond of that. But then suddenly you notice that Simmias is exercising with them as well."

Simmias is a men in Gymnasion. A jug of water is in the gymnasion. A notepad is in the Gymnasion.

Description of Simmias is "As he runs and runs you can see that a jug of water is placed right in the middle of his way. Maybe you should warn him, so that he doesn't stumble."

Description of jug of water is "Just a ugly old jug with dirty water in it."

After taking the jug of water: award 5 points; say "Good idea. Simmias appreciates that you saved him from stumbling and gives you a little notepad as a thank you."

Description of Notepad is "Beside some drawings you can find some interesting notes about justice and virtue. Keep it well, you might need it later."

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