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(Eine dazwischenliegende Version desselben Benutzers wird nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Habe versucht die Änderungen mit der Versionskontrolle hochzuladen, aber ich
* Habe versucht die Änderungen mit der Versionskontrolle hochzuladen, aber ich
glaube es hat nicht funktioniert, weil zumindest bei mir, dass Dokument fehlt.
glaube es hat nicht funktioniert, weil zumindest bei mir das Dokument fehlt.
Also Version 67 ist glaube ich unbrauchbar.
Also Version 67 ist glaube ich unbrauchbar.
Deshalb auf diesem Weg noch ein paar Änderungen:
Deshalb auf diesem Weg noch ein paar Änderungen:
Zeile 309: Zeile 309:
As you sail into the sunrise you already think about your next adventure! Revolutionising the old rituals in your temple!"
As you sail into the sunrise you already think about your next adventure! Revolutionising the old rituals in your temple!"
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[[Sokrates (PR Hrachovec, 2007/08)]]
[[Kategorie: Sokrates (PR Hrachovec, 2007/08)]]

Aktuelle Version vom 2. Juli 2008, 20:00 Uhr

  • Habe versucht die Änderungen mit der Versionskontrolle hochzuladen, aber ich

glaube es hat nicht funktioniert, weil zumindest bei mir das Dokument fehlt. Also Version 67 ist glaube ich unbrauchbar. Deshalb auf diesem Weg noch ein paar Änderungen:

[******************************] Section 5 - On the way to Athens [******************************]

Instead of giving text for road_begin: say "As you leave the Piraeus, Athens port-town, you can soon make out the shades Athens on the horizon: a magnificent sight of the world-famous town that opens up before you in the morning light.

'A walk of about half an hour and we're there', notes the merchant, who walks by your side pulling a little cart a few cages in which are chickens that he wants to sell on Athens marketplace, the Agora.

Curious about what might await you behind the town walls, you approach Athens and follow the merchant to the marketplace.

Now you find youself in the heart of Athens!

The place where everybody is busy, where merchants try to sell their goods, where Socrates spent hours and hours discussing with everybody who was willing to.

[ein Vorschlag wie man die Architekur für Freiwillige winbinden kann] You are very busy to find Socrates in time, but you are also tempted to be a bit lazy and do some sightseeing. Maby later you have some spare time to choose the chance to visit the Fountain House, the Mint, the famous Bouleuterion, the Strategeion or the Tholos."; pause the game; now player is in marketplace;

[******************************] Section 11 - Access to Socrates [******************************]


Prison is a room. Description of Prison is "Such a frightening place! All the guards around you are watching every move that you make. Actually you feel like as you were the one who was imprisoned. At the end of the corridor you already can see the cell of Socrates, which is carefully watched by a guard."

Guard is a man in prison. Description of Guard is "He seems to be a good friend of Critobulos."

Instead of talking to guard: say "He knows Critobulos well and opens the cell door. You are entering the cell in order to talk to Socrates. But now, standing directly in front of the man, after whom you have been looking for such a long time, you get pretty nervous."; pause the game; now player is in cell.


Cell is a room. The description of Cell is "How horrible to see how some stories end. Imprisoned in a tiny shabby room, Socrates is standing in the corner of the cell."

In the Cell is a man called Socrates. The description of Socrates is "Just a few sunrays are shining through the little window into the gloomy cell. In the corner of the room you perceive in the shadow the outlines of a fragile old man from a rather small figure. No doubt, this must me Socrates. He is standing at the window and looks into the far distance. As he becomes aware of your presence he turns around and looks directly into your eyes. "

After talking to Socrates: run a conversation from dialogue_1.

[ Dialogue "Socrates"; Basiert großteils auf Kriton 49a-50a in Übersetzung von Benjamin JOWETT, http://www-philosophy.ucdavis.edu/mattey/phi001/crito.htm ]


Instead of giving text for dialogue_1: say "As you address your speech to Socrates he turns round to welcome you and Critobulos. It seems that you achieved the aim of your journey and you can ask Socrates about the demand to stop human sacrifices.

'Are my fellow priestesses wrong to stick to the old rituals?' you ask.

'Well, let's see if we can solve your problem. We have to answer two questions to do so. First we have to take a look at the question what doing wrong means and afterwards we decide on the problem if the opinion of the many is always right. So let us start!"; wait for any key; clear the screen; say "Are we to say that we are never intentionally to do wrong? Or that in one way we ought and in another way we ought not to do wrong? Or is doing wrong always evil and dishonorable, as I was just now saying, and as has been already acknowledged by us? Or is injustice always an evil and dishonor to him who acts unjustly? Shall we affirm that?";

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_1: link to dialogue_1_yes; link to dialogue_1_No; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_1_yes: say "Yes";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_1_yes: run a conversation from dialogue_2.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_1_No: say "No way";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_1_No: say "Are you sure that you have chosen an adequate answer in this tricky situation Socrates is in? Maybe you want to think it over and undo the last move?"; end the game in death.


Instead of giving text for dialogue_2: say "Then we must do no wrong?"

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_2: link to dialogue_2_yes; link to dialogue_2_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_2_yes: say "Let's think about it ... maybe we should?"; Instead of giving text for dialogue_2_yes: say "Doing wrong and even knowing about it can never be a solution for Socrates!"; end the game in death.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_2_no: say "Certainly not.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_2_no: run a conversation from dialogue_3.


Instead of giving text for dialogue_3: say "If somebody injures you, shall we injure him in return, as the many imagine?"

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_3: link to dialogue_3_yes; link to dialogue_3_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_3_yes: say "I agree with the opinion of the many."

Instead of giving text for dialogue_3_yes: say "It's not all about the opinon of the many! Maybe you should try it again and figure out your own opinion."; end the game in death.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_3_no: say "Clearly not.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_3_no: run a conversation from dialogue_4.


Instead of giving text for dialogue_4: say "Again, may we do evil?"

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_4: link to dialogue_4_yes; link to dialogue_4_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_4_yes: say "At first let us find a definition for evil! What is evil?"

Instead of giving text for dialogue_4_yes: say "Good job! But fighting the master of thoughts with his own weapons is maybe in this paticular case a bit disrespectful!"; now player is in Cell.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_4_no: say "Surely not, Socrates.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_4_no: run a conversation from dialogue_5.


Instead of giving text for dialogue_5: say "And what of doing evil in return for evil, which is the morality of the many. Do you think that this is just or not?"

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_5: link to dialogue_5_yes; link to dialogue_5_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_5_yes: say "The moral of the many is always just.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_5_yes: say "Do you think that this is really a good point of view? The opinion of the many as a moral standard? Socrates probably didn't like to hear that!"; end the game in death.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_5_no: say "Not just."

Instead of giving text for dialogue_5_no: run a conversation from dialogue_6.


Instead of giving text for dialogue_6: say "Is doing evil to another the same thing as injuring him?"

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_6: link to dialogue_6_yes; link to dialogue_6_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_6_yes: say "Very true.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_6_yes: run a conversation from dialogue_7.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_6_no: say " I disagree!";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_6_no: say "Socrates appreciates your rebellious mind, but unfortunately it was the wrong answer!"; end the game in death.


Instead of giving text for dialogue_7: say "Then we should not retaliate or render evil for evil to anyone, whatever evil we may have suffered from him. Do you agree with this proposition? Or do you have a different opinion about that subject?

               If you are of another opinion, let me hear what you have to say. If, however, you remain of the same mind as formerly, I will proceed to the next step."

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_7: link to dialogue_7_yes; link to dialogue_7_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_7_yes: say "You may proceed, for I have not changed my mind.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_7_yes: run a conversation from dialogue_8.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_7_no: say " I have a rather different opinion about this subject!";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_7_no: say "That's probably not the perfect time to defend your own theories. At least Socrates has just a few hours left to live."; end the game in death.


Instead of giving text for dialogue_8: say "Then I will proceed. Here is my next question: Ought a man to do what he admits to be right, or ought he to betray the right?"

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_8: link to dialogue_8_yes; link to dialogue_8_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_8_yes: say "He ought to do what he thinks right.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_8_yes: run a conversation from dialogue_9.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_8_no: say " Betraying the right would be also a possibility.";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_8_no: say "If you really think so, it might be better to go back to the start! This time you should take a closer look at Socrates' argumentation!"; now player is in cell.

[dialogue_9; end of dialogue]

Instead of giving text for dialogue_9: say "But if this is true, what would you advise me to do in my situation? In leaving the prison against the will of the Athenians, wouldn't I do wrong? Do I not desert the principles which were acknowledged by us to be just? What do you say? And finally what would you say about your own situation? Wouldn't also you desert the principles which were acknowledged by us if you didn't go back home and not tried to convince your fellow priestesses that they do wrong in sacrificing humans?"

Instead of finding responses to dialogue_9: link to dialogue_9_yes; link to dialogue_9_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_9_yes: say "I guess you are right Socrates! It is the right way for you to sustain the decision of your trial. And it is also my duty to go back home to Crete to convince the priestresses that they are doing evil! Now, that I know what's the right thing for me to do, I simply can't act against my inner voice, my daimonion!

Thank you for your help, Socrates! The high priestress was right, you are really a very wise man. But now I have to go to catch the next ship back home to Crete!"; now player is in ship; end the game in victory.

Instead of giving text for dialogue_9_yes: say " Socrates seems to approve and whishes you good luck for your futur."; now player is in ship; end the game in victory.

Instead of giving link to dialogue_9_no: say "My advise to you would be to use your last chance to escape, Socrates! It is for your own good!";

Instead of giving text for dialogue_9_no: say " I doubt that you fully understood, what Socrates was about to say! He was just telling you that escaping is not the right choice in his particular situation! Maybe it's better to go back to zero and start again!"; now the player is in cell.

[***************************] Section 12 - The End [***************************]

Ship is a room.

The description of the ship is "You safely arrived on the ship which will take you home to Crete. You successfully reached your aim to find Socrates and ask him for advice. Although you are worried that Socrates' life will now come to an end you also feel released to know that he accepts his fate. Probably people will always remember his wisdom an his courage.

As you sail into the sunrise you already think about your next adventure! Revolutionising the old rituals in your temple!"

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Sokrates (PR Hrachovec, 2007/08)