Section 5 - On the way to Athens (PJS)

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Section 5 - On the way to Athens

Instead of giving text for road_begin:
	say "As you leave the Piraeus, Athens port-town, you can soon make out the shades Athens on the horizon: a magnificent sight of the world-famous town that opens up before you in the morning light.

'A walk of about half an hour and we're there', notes the merchant, who walks by your side pulling a little cart a few cages in which are chickens that he wants to sell on Athens marketplace, the Agora.

Curious about what might await you behind the town walls, you approach Athens and follow the merchant to the marketplace.

Now you find youself in the heart of Athens!

The place where everybody is busy, where merchants try to sell their goods, where Socrates spent hours and hours discussing with everybody who was willing to.";
	pause the game;
	now player is in marketplace;