Desperately Seeking Socrates

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Version vom 8. Juni 2008, 21:05 Uhr von Silvia Springer (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: "Desperately Seeking Socrates" by Silvia, Ruth, Patrick, (Daniel) Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford. Include Exit Lister by Eric Eve. game_accept, game_yes, game_n...)
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"Desperately Seeking Socrates" by Silvia, Ruth, Patrick, (Daniel)

Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford.

Include Exit Lister by Eric Eve.

game_accept, game_yes, game_no, fisherman_begin, agora_yes, agora_no are chat nodes.

conviction, escape, injustice, responsibility, bribery are chat nodes.

[Scene 1: A temple in Crete.]

Temple is a room. Description of temple is "You are in a beautiful

pictured room in the center of the temple. You are concentrated on some preparations for a ceremony for the evening. You can see a huge statue of Artemis, the goddess you dedicated your life to. 

You are worried, because you have raised the anger of the other priestesses of this temple. They seem to be jealous, since it was you, Artemis has chosen for her message to receive in a vision. She told you that she does not approve of human or animal sacrifice, that this kind of oblation lies not in the purpose of any god or goddes. Since the rites of oblations are very old and are supposed to remind the story of the old King Minos, Pasiphae and her lapse and its result, the Minotaurus, this demand seems ghastly for the corps of Priestesses. They don't want to believe that you have received the message by a daimonion of Artemis and the more you try to convince them, the more furious they become. "

Artemis is scenery in the temple. A notepad and some money are carried by the player.

The description of notepad is "Your high priestess notepad. There is a message inside: 'Visit Socrates and listen to his advice. Don't spend too much of money on your journey, and be careful with strangers."

The description of money is "The money that has been given you for your journey. You haven't spent a lot up to now."

After looking for the second time: say "Suddenly the High Priestess enters the room. She always appreciated your work, now she is the only one who is on your side, since she receives visions herself and knows about the jealousy of human heart and it's consequences. She is worried and has an assingement for you:

'My dear Atalanta, you know that I am very concerned for your well being. I am afraid, something horrible might happen to you, since the others are not going to be pacefied in this question, though I myself feel very clearly the truth of your saying. This is why I was asking the Oracle and it told me, you should go to Athens to meet Socrates, the wise man I told you about, and learn from him as much as you can. He will give you good advice on this matter, and since he is not involved, his suggestions are very likely to be accepted by the other priestesses of this temple.

But the oracle also told me that he is in danger too and you should leave right away, so take the very first ship tomorrow morning. I wish you a good journey, you will pass Delos on your way to Athens, please drop in at the temple of Apollo to give an oblation to Artemis brother, to pay him respect.'"; run a conversation from game_accept.

Instead of giving text for game_accept: say "Accept?" Instead of finding responses to game_accept: link to game_yes; link to game_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to game_yes: say "'Yes'"; Instead of giving text for game_yes: say "Now the quest beginns."; now player is in the port.

Instead of giving link to game_no: say "'No'"; Instead of giving text for game_no: say "Unfortunatly this was the wrong answer. Suddenly you hear angry voices in a riot, the other priestesses have decided, that you are supposed to be the next sacrifice. They enter furiously the room with mad eyes and sharp voices. You are so terrified, that your heart decides to stand still. Poor little Atalanta! That was it."; end the game in death.

[Scene 2: Port in Athens.] Port is a room. "You just arrived at Athens. You remember clearly the stories the High Priestess told you about Socrates, who was in his early days intitiateted in the secrets of love and wisdom by another famous High Priestess - Diotima. Since you are eager to learn to know as much of the secrets of life and death as you can, you are very exited to meet this well-known man, to get yourself initiated by his and Diotimas wisdom.

The port of Athens is very busy. On your stop in Delos you heard about the trial of Socrates, but noone knew about the outgoing of it. So you are in some kind of pressure to find out, where Socrates is. You have asked several people, but they are not very kind to strangers. Maybe you can trick on one of the fishermen, who are unloading their fishings. You have learned several tricks in the temple to manipulate things and people. But you always keep in mind your High Priestess appeal never to misuse these techniques for your personal wants, only to serve a high aim for the good of all beings."

Fisherman is a man in the port.

after talking to fisherman, run a conversation from fisherman_begin.

Instead of giving text for fisherman_begin: say "Do you want to go to the agora?" Instead of finding responses to fisherman_begin: link to agora_yes; link to agora_no; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to agora_yes: say "'Yes'"; Instead of giving text for agora_yes: say "Now the quest beginns."; now player is in the marketplace.

Instead of giving link to agora_no: say "'No'"; Instead of giving text for agora_no: say "Your trick would have worked on a fisherman. But unfortunatly this is a pirat, who takes your money and - sorry, for this - stabs you to death. "; end the game in death.

[Scene 3: Around the Agora]

[South Stoa] South Stoa is a room. "You are now entering the South Stoa and enjoy the long walk down the corridor edged with beautiful columns." South Stoa is east of Law Court.

[Fountain House] Fountain House is a room. Description of Fountain house is "You just entered the place where hardworking women normally get some fresh water for their homes. So you probably found the perfect spot to hear some news and gossip. Right at the moment two women are leaving the fountain house carrying heavy jars filled with fresh cold water, while others are grouped around the huge water tank, having a little chat." Fountain House is west of Law court.

[Mint] Mint is a room. Description of Mint is "Coins, coins and again coins. It seems you found access to the Athenian coinage. Take care that none of this money accidentally slips into your pocket!" Mint is east of South Stoa.

[Law court] Law court is a room. Description of Law court is "You just entered the building where Socrates was sentenced to death by the Athenians. What a creepy feeling!" Law court is west of South Stoa. [Law court is south of jail. Law court is west of Strategeion.]

[Jail Jail is a room. Description of Jail is "As you enter the jail house two guards are stepping in your way and ask you for a permission to enter the prison." Jail is north of Law court.]

[[Tholos] Tholos is a room. Description of Tholos is "That's not the right time to do sightseeing in the Tholos. Maybe it would be more polite if you entered after the Prytaneis finished their meal." [Tholos is north of Bouleuterion. Tholos is south of Strategeion. Tholos is south of Law court.]]

[Bouleuterion] Bouleuterion is a room. Description of Bouleuterion is "You already heard about the council of 500, the so called Boule. But somehow you always imagined it totally different. As you take a look around the room it seems to you more like a little theatre, with empty benches arranged in a semicircle around a small area for the chairman." Bouleuterion is west of Marketplace.

[Strategeion] Strategeion is northwest of Fountain House. Description of Strategeion is "That's really not the appropriate place for a civilian! Just entering the headquarter of the most important generals of Athens without an appointment? No way!" [Strategeion is east of Jail.]

Marketplace is a room. "The athenian market." Marketplace is north of South Stoa. It is east of Bouleuterion.

Description of marketeplace is "The athenian market, filled with plenty of stalls, decorated with apples, grapes, melons, figs and other kinds of fruit - spread before your eyes. The odour of ripe fruit fills your nostrils and let you wish to purchase a slice of beautifully coloured water melon. Other stalls contain pottery, or meat, or fish. Between the stalls there are running around some gaggling chickens - they escaped from their wooden cage belonging to a boy who is selling the chickens to fullfill his fathers order he got n the morning. He runs after them, shouting and waving. You might feel obliged to help him. A couple of pigs stand grunting and sobbing, kept together by their owner, who is standig next to them with a wand made of wood, ready to kick the pigs on their backs when they want to stroll away. A sad looking cow with tender eyes waits to be purchased by a butcher."

Agora is a region. [Description of Agora is "Now you find youself in the heart of Athens! The place where everybody is busy, where merchants try to sell their goods, where Socrates spent hours and hours discussing with everybody who was willing to."] South Stoa, Fountain House, Law court, Mint, Bouleuterion, Strategeion, Marketplace, stall2 are in the Agora.

[Sene 4 - Catching the chickens] Catching the Chickens is a scene. Catching the chickens begins when player is in the Marketplace for the first time. Catching the Chickens ends when taking chickens.

The stall is scenery in the marketplace.

The stall2 is a room. "A small stall of a egg vendor. First-class eggs, very expensive."

Cage is a container. After taking the chickens: say "I was hypnotising them." Description of cage is "It is a big container made of wood." Boy is a person in the marketplace. Description of boy is "He is a boy of about sixteen years, not more than that. He is tall and very slim, probable he has grown fast lately. His black, curlied hair would - under more friendly circumstances - shine in the sun like a ravens wing, now they are flattering in the wind and they have become wet of sweat. His father ordered him this morning to sell the chickens on the market - this is why he looks really distressed, because he doesn't want to disappoint his father."

Cow is an animal in the marketplace. Pigs are animals in the marketplace.

Chickens are things in the marketplace. Description of chickens is "They make much fuzz running around in circles."

The player carries a notepad and some money. The description of notepad is "Your high priestess notepad. There is a message inside: 'Visit Socrates and listen to his teachings. Don't spend too much of money on your journey, and be careful with strangers."

The description of money is "The money that has been given you for your journey. You haven't spent a lot up to now."

[CHAT] Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Report talking to: say "You have nothing to say.".

Understand "ask [somebody]" as talking.

Instead of looking for the second time during Catching the Chickens: say "As you look for the chickens, you soon spot them next to a group of pigs, only a couple of steps away from you. You move towards them and get ready to catch the chickens."; now the description of marketplace is "Plenty of things and people to see. The air is full of noises: the gaggling of chickens, the grunting of pigs, and the melancholic mooing of the cow with the sad eyes. Children running arround, laughing and giggeling, their mothers shouting after them, and the farmers offering their goods."; now chickens are in the marketplace.

Catching is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "catch [something]" as taking. Understand "catch" as taking.

The intimacy-level is a kind of value. The intimacy-levels are low, medium and high. The chickens have an intimacy-level.

Before taking the chickens: if the intimacy-level of the chickens is low begin; say "As you approach the chickens, the pigs start a grunting and squeaking uproar and the chickens flee again - right through a group of people and stop next to a fountain behind them."; now the intimacy-level of the chickens is medium; change the description of marketplace to "The people standing arround are laughing, watching the scene, some of them encourage you and try to give advise."; stop the action; end if; if the intimacy-level of the chickens is medium begin; say "You run around the group and just the second when you try to hypnotize the chickens, they flee once again.

This time they run towards a vendor who displays a crate full of fresh eggs."; change the description of marketplace to "; now the intimacy-level of the chickens is high; stop the action; end if; if the intimacy-level of the chickens is high and the chickens are in the marketplace begin; say "Before you reach the vendor, the chickens enter one of the market stalls that are everywhere there. It looks like the stall of a egg vendor. Well, at least now the chickens are trapped inside! There is no other person than yourself in the stall."; ; now chickens are in stall2; stop the action; end if; if chickens are in the stall2 and player is not in the stall2 begin; say "You only have to enter this stall and the chickens are yours."; stop the action; end if; if chickens are in the stall2 and player is in the stall2 begin; say "Without anyone taking notice, you entered the stall inside which you spotted the chickens assembling in a corner.

In this moment you stand before the chickens and hypnotize them. As they drop on the floor like like littly feathery stones, you hit a big bowl with eggs with your elbow, while hypnotizing the chickens and eventually one after another keep falling on the floor, making 'plop' and a real mess on the floor. Fortunately you made it out of the stall without getting too dirty and you have the chickens at last."; change the description of marketplace to "There is an uproar nearby. Some people react indignantly in reference of the smashed eggs"; [ move player to marketplace; ] end if.

Instead of entering stall: now the player is in the stall2.

Instead of exiting: now player is in marketplace.

Instead of dropping the chickens, say "The chickens already caused enough trouble. You're not going to release them out of your safe arms."

Critobulos is a man The description of Critobulos is "Critos older son Critobolus is as tall as his father and looks like the younger version of Crito. His hair is black, of course, but he has the same noble appearance as his father, though he is still very youthfull."

Crito is a man. The description of Crito is "He is a tall, handsome old man with grey curlierd hair falling down to his shoulders, his eyes are full of anger, he is gesticulating while speaking, he is apealling aganinst an unjust judgement pronounced a couple of days ago. You can hear the name 'Socrates'."

Instead of giving chickens to boy: say "Thank you very much for catching the chickens! I heard you are looking for Socrates. Maybe Critobulos can help you."; now Critobulos is in the marketplace.

[Scene 5: Meeting Crito]

Melon is in the Marketplace. "A farmer is standing in front of his stall trying to sell his fruit. 'You want some melons? Very ripe, I give you a good price!' You hesitate, because your appetite has been awakend."

Instead of buying melons, say "'What's the price for a slice of melons?' ' Half a copper coin.' The farmer is grinning from one ear to another. You decide to call him a racketeer and walk off."

Instead of buying melons, say "'Give me a slice of melon.' 'You can only have the whole melon or none!'"

Instead of buying melons, say "'I would like to buy one slice of melon, is it possible?' 'Certainly, my lady, here you have it for good!"

Instead of giving notepad to Crito: say "I think we have the same mission: we both want to see Socrates. Maybe you can help me to convince Socrates to flee and to go to Crete with you. I know that Socrates always appreciated the cretean laws. Let's go together to the cell of Socrates."; now player is in prison.

[Scene 6: Access to Socrates]

Cell of Socrates is a room.
Prison is a room. "You have entered the Athenian prison.

You open the cell doors and enter the Cell of Socrates.

You are standing in the Cell of Socrates. Socrates is fast asleep.

You sit down and look at the old man lying on the floor. After waiting for some time Socrates turns and looks at you and Crito.

'Why have you come at this hour, Crito? It must be quite early.' Socrates says.

'Yes, certainly.' Crito answers.

'What is the exact time?'

'The dawn is breaking.'

'I wonder why the keeper of the prison would let you in.' Socrates asks.

'He knows me because I often come, Socrates. Moreover, we have done him a kindness.' Crito says."

[Scene 5: In the cell of Socrates] In the Cell of Socrates is a man called Socrates. the description of Socrates is "he is fast asleep."

After asking socrates about "escape": run a conversation from conviction.

Instead of giving text for conviction: say "Seeking some privacy you close the Cell Door. Socrates is looking very calm - unlike a man who is about to die. Your goal is to convince Socrates not to die. There are 4 strategies you can use to accomplish your goal:";

Instead of finding responses to conviction: link to escape; link to injustice; link to responsibility; link to bribery; forbid exiting on zero.

Instead of giving link to escape: say "'Ask about escape."; Instead of giving text for escape: say "'O! my beloved Socrates,' you say,' let me entreat you once more to take my advice and escape. For if you die we shall not only lose a friend who can never be replaced, but there is another evil: people who do not know you and me and Crito will believe that we might have saved you if we had been willing to give money, but that we did not care. Now, can there be a worse disgrace than this- that we should be thought to value money more than the life of a friend? For the many will not be persuaded that we wanted you to escape, and that you refused.' you say.

Socrates thinks about your proposal. 'But why, my Dear,' he says, 'should we care about the opinion of the many? Good men, and they are the only persons who are worth considering, will think of these things truly as they happened.But the truth is, that the many can do neither good nor evil: they cannot make a man wise or make him foolish; and whatever they do is the result of chance.'"; end the game in victory.

Instead of giving link to injustice: say "'Ask about Injustice."; Instead of giving text for injustice: say "There are persons who at no great cost are willing to save you and bring you out of prison; and as for the informers, you may observe that they are far from being exorbitant in their demands; a little money will satisfy them. My means, which, as I am sure, are ample, are at your service, and if you have a scruple about spending all mine, here are strangers who will give you the use of theirs; so have I brought a sum of money for this very purpose; and Cebes and many others are willing to spend their money too. I say, therefore, do not on that account hesitate about making your escape, and do not say, as you did in the court, that you will have a difficulty in knowing what to do with yourself if you escape. For people will love you in other places to which you may go, and not in Athens only; there are friends of mine in Crete, if you like to go to them, who will value and protect you, and no Cretan will give you any trouble."; end the game in death.

Instead of giving link to responsibility: say "'Ask about responsibility."; Instead of giving text for responsibility: say "'Nor can I think that you are justified, Socrates, in betraying your own life when you might be saved; this is playing into the hands of your enemies and destroyers; and moreover I should say that you were betraying your children; for you might bring them up and educate them; instead of which you go away and leave them, and they will have to take their chance; and if they do not meet with the usual fate of orphans, there will be small thanks to you. No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nurture and education. But you are choosing the easier part, as I think, not the better and manlier, which would rather have become one who professes virtue in all his actions, like yourself. And, indeed, I am ashamed not only of you, but of us who are your friends, when I reflect that this entire business of yours will be attributed to our want of courage.'"; end the game in death.

Instead of giving link to bribery: say "'Ask about bribery."; Instead of giving text for bribery: say "'The trial need never have come on, or might have been brought to another issue; and the end of all, which is the crowning absurdity, will seem to have been permitted by us, through cowardice and baseness, who might have saved you, as you might have saved yourself, if we had been good for anything (for there was no difficulty in escaping); and we did not see how disgraceful, Socrates, and also miserable all this will be to us as well as to you. Make your mind up then, or rather have your mind already made up, for the time of deliberation is over, and there is only one thing to be done, which must be done, if at all, this very night, and which any delay will render all but impossible; I beseech you therefore, Socrates, to be persuaded by me, and to do as I say.' you beg Socrates"; end the game in death.

[The description of Escape is "Socrates is endangering the good reputation of his friends. If Socrates is executed, the priestess and Crito will appear to honor money over friends. The priestess and Crito consider this reputation shameful and damaging even though it will be the opinion of those who do not know Socrates, the priestess and Crito adequately, namely, the many. One must respect the opinions of the many because they can bring about great evils."

The description of Bribery is "The Guards could be bribed easily - and honestly, quite cheap. Crete would be a safe haven for Socrates."

The description of Responsibility is "Socrates would be acting unjustly by not fulfilling his parental obligations or his obligations as a teacher. His children and his students need Socrates as an idol."

The description of Injustice is "Socrates would be acting cowardly by not resisting injustices (implying that the court decision and Socrates' subsequent execution are unjust). He would be joining his enemies. He is choosing the 'easiest path' instead of the courageous, honorable and virtuous path, which you feel is to flee from certain, unjust death." ]

[The maximum score is 4. ]

Test me with "look / 1 /ask fisherman about agora "